Caterpillars Volunteer Management Committee
Caterpillars Volunteer Management Committee
As a registered charity, Caterpillars is run by a Volunteer Management Committee which is made up of parents and staff. The committee meet every half term to help maintain the high standards and outstanding results that every family wants for their child.
All parents and carers of children at Caterpillars can be members of Caterpillars which then provides opportunity to join the Management Committee. As a charitable run pre-school, the Volunteer Management Committee is essential to the running of the pre-school.
Every year we new parents/careers to join the committee as the children of current committee members leave and move up to Primary School. Without the Committee, Caterpillars simply cannot operate so any time you can offer will help ensure that Caterpillars success can continue.
Amongst other things, members of the committee help to plan some fun fundraising events throughout the year so if you could spare a few hours and wish to help to join our fundraising element of the committee, not only is this a great way to meet other parents and carers but it will also help us raise much needed funds to ensure your children have the best resources that we can provide for them.
All parents and carers of children at Caterpillars can be members of Caterpillars which then provides opportunity to join the Management Committee. As a charitable run pre-school, the Volunteer Management Committee is essential to the running of the pre-school.
Every year we new parents/careers to join the committee as the children of current committee members leave and move up to Primary School. Without the Committee, Caterpillars simply cannot operate so any time you can offer will help ensure that Caterpillars success can continue.
Amongst other things, members of the committee help to plan some fun fundraising events throughout the year so if you could spare a few hours and wish to help to join our fundraising element of the committee, not only is this a great way to meet other parents and carers but it will also help us raise much needed funds to ensure your children have the best resources that we can provide for them.
We are always happy for you ask us a question, hear your suggestions or even just stop us for a chat or Get in touch for further information.
We look forward to hearing from you.
We look forward to hearing from you.